Red Dwarfs Make The Best Homes
Is this our destiny as a civilization?
In 1964, Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev devised a scale for ranking technological civilizations. This famous scale charts our possible future, from an integrated planet-wide society to an interplanetary and finally interstellar community.
Red Dwarfs Make The Best Homes, the latest book by author, editor and film critic Seth Lukas Hynes, examines the Kardashev scale in depth, exploring the practicality and ethics of humans settling other worlds and expanding into the cosmos.
This book also features a diverse selection of short stories, poetry and illustrations from talented new and established creators, with bold, imaginative perspectives on cosmic life. This book includes work from J. Dianne Dotson, Ash Oldfield, Nicholas J. Ordinans, Matthew Isaac Sobin, Melissa Ferguson, Jenny Strath, Zoe Simpson, Lliam Amor, Aleah Dye and Julieanne Larick.
Red Dwarfs Make The Best Homes is the copyright © 2022 of Seth Lukas Hynes. The individual contributions within are the copyright of their respective authors.
(This ebook is in a high-quality EPUB format, which is readable on Apple Books, Kindles and most ebook readers. You will receive your book through a download link in a Big Cartel email shortly after your purchase.)